Friday, September 4, 2009

Ireland trip, Day 3

Today we drove through Dublin a bit more while getting a narration on the history and attractions as we went. We drove down the "Georgian Mile", visited the Kilmainham Gaol (Jail), visited St. Patrich's Cathedral and did some shopping.

Later we drove to a pub out in the country for a nice dinner and a show of Irish music and dancing. It was five hours, but it was so fun it flew by like nothing.


Tricky Trix said...

Come on Ron, swing those legs and stomp those feet!

The Tiffany's said...

Where are your spandex leggings and flowing white shirt unbuttoned to your navel?! I know you packed them!

xr440dude said...

I didn't know I'd be dancin', otherwise I'd have worn them!