Friday, March 26, 2010

My 45 Second Commute

I've been having some trouble with my helmet camera lately, so I was doing some testing today and came up with something fun. It's a time-lapse of my 45-minute commute home from work condensed to 45 seconds.

I set my camera up to snap a picture once every 5 seconds and then stuck it on the dash of my truck. When I got home I compiled all 467 pictures into a video and here's the result...

By the way - the problem with the camera? Yup, you guessed it. There was nothing wrong with it. Just another case of me not reading the directions enough. :)


Tricky Trix said...

Pretty cool! I always tell dad, 'read the directions!'. Sometimes he actually does, but usually not :0)

Speer Family said...

That's pretty cool!

Melly said...

WOW, That was really fun thanks for sharing!

skdesertfun said...

so is the helet cam ready for the spring ride? See ya soon.


xr440dude said...

Heck yeah!