Monday, February 2, 2009

Family Not-at-Home Evening

My best friend's folks, Bob and Rita, came to visit for a week on their way to do a service mission in Southern Arizona. They're like family to us and we love to have them here. Peggy wanted to do something fun with them before we left so I spent the day today getting plates and OHV stickers for all the quads and my bike (new Arizona law.) After a few minor repairs and working over a leaky tire we managed to get out to Boulders for a ride. Rita wasn't feeling well and stayed behind. :(


Tricky Trix said...

Looks like lots of fun! When can we get together? Soon, I hope.

xr440dude said...

Dang, Mom, that was fast! You got a comment in and I wasn't even done with the post yet!!

We're going to stay in a friend's cabin in Heber next weekend so we can get out to Chevlon retreat and check on the cabin there. We're probably going to sell it, but Susie and Janet wanted to see pics of it before it goes. We'll probably take the quads and poke around bit while we're up there. You should come with us.

skdesertfun said...

Fat guy on a little quad brought tears to my eyes. Tooooo funnnny!

Melly said...

What great family time...I love it! Ditto on Scotty's comment for you on the little quad.