Saturday, January 30, 2010

When you have a tiny shop... gotta make the most of the space you have. I made a torsion box from some old counter-top and mounted it as an extension on my table saw. Then I cut a hole, dadoed the edge and made a plexi-glass base plate for my router. Voila! Instant router table. It can even share the table saw rip fence. I made a blank cover for the hole when I'm not using the router.



Tricky Trix said...

Looks great and I bet it's real handy!

Speer Family said...

You are so clever!!

skdesertfun said...

Awesome idea, one I will copy but first I need a table saw and a router. Hhehehehehehehehe.


The Tiffany's said...

Seriously?! Ingenious!