Friday, February 5, 2010

Using my Christmas present

I finally got enough research and studying done to feel comfortable making the first set of test bullets for my 7mm Remington Magnum. I made 50 rounds, ten each of 5 different powder loads. Next I'm off to the range to see which ones my gun likes best. Then I'll reload everything I have with the same load.


Tricky Trix said...

NICE, but it really SCARES me. As you probably know, Justin and Scott are into loading bullets too.
Hope you all are well.

Melly said...

Lookin good! I did wonder if that was your own pic of the bullets. Nicley done!

AZ Hunting Blog said...

We really need to get you out in the hills more. Great job bud.

The Tiffany's said...

Perdy! We were going to reload our own bullets for Tyler's 30-40 Krag cuz bullets for that were just impossible to find. But, it got stolen. Our new weaponry takes cheap, easily available ammo. Still, sad we don't have it though- heirloom & an incredible rifle!