Friday, June 15, 2012

Rodeo Time

A couple of weekends ago we went to the spring rodeo here in Payson.  It was a lot of fun and we went both Friday and Saturday nights.  

Charlotte wanted to do Mutton Busting, but we didn't know about it so we didn't get her pre-registered.  Saturday night she really had her heart set on it so Peggy took her down to the announcer's stand and got her wait-listed in case any of the registered kids didn't show up.

A few minutes after that the gal running the Mutton Busting came running after Charlotte and told her she'd get her in somehow.  Charlotte was stoked.  She's been hitting me up to buy her some cowgirl boots for at least a month, but they're quite pricey so I've been resisting.  She immediately asked if I would buy her some boots if she won the Mutton Busting.  I agreed.

Well...she didn't quite win and was crazy upset that she couldn't get boots.  I caved and got them for her anyway.  I hope they last a really long time!  Here she is with her boots and the Mutton Busting belt buckle she won.


1 comment:

The Tiffany's said...

That's awesome! Way. To. Go! Charlotte!