Monday, April 12, 2010

Best Boudin Ever!

A few weeks ago I was lamenting to a friend that I couldn't find a local source for natural sausage casings. She surprised me a few days later with about 10 feet of it! She went to a butcher shop that I haven't been able to get to and they gave her some.

Today I made about 10 pounds of delicious Boudin (pronounced "boo-dan"). It's a Louisiana-style pork sausage with rice and herbs. A little spicy and totally yummy!

I have recommended Boudin to others at restaurants here and there and have always been sorry I did. I find that restaurant-made Boudin is horribly bland and generally worth leaving alone.

I got my recipe from a Cajun transplanted to Washington State. His version was excellent, but I've made some modifications over the years that make mine even better. Not bragging, just truthin'! Peggy and I almost stood by the bowl of stuffing with spoons and ate until it was gone, but we restrained ourselves.

Here's some of the results cooking on the grill tonight (next time I gotta remember not to stuff it so tight!):


Speer Family said...

Oh man. Those look YUMMY!!

skdesertfun said...

Boundin rocks, I only had it once, in Lousianna, hot stuff and totaly yummy!

Unknown said...

ALOT better than the venison stuff you made!