Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I've made a horrible mistake!

Tuesday morning we went to our true destination; Great Wolf Lodge. We weren't here but 10 minutes before I found out I had made a horrible mistake. We were speaking to some other guests while waiting for our room to be readied and found out there's no way to do everything here in less than three days, let alone one-and-a-half like I'd planned! The website just wasn't clear enough about how much there is to do.

One of the activities is to get a magic wand and go around the hotel activating magical things. It seems like there must be thousands! There are quests assigned by some of the trees inside the hotel and then players run around the hotel activating the items listed in the quest. They must then find a certain Nymph, Faerie, Princess, etc. and collect the reward for that quest before being assigned a new one. There are ten quests and ten adventures. We spent over three hours running up and down stairs and through hallways and just completed eight quests. Between that and spending hours in the waterpark, we're whipped. I have the feeling Peggy and I are going to need a 'grown-ups only' vacation to recover from the family vacation!

Charlotte activates some magic crystals.

Receiving an 'award' from the wood faerie.

At the end of the night there is an animatronic show in the lobby. Families are encouraged to show up in their jammies and stay for story time afterward.

Everyone gets a wrist band at check-in. This allows access to the waterpark and some of the other activities. Moms ans Dads get special wristbands with an RFID tag inside that acts as the room key and allows them to charge anything in the hotel to the room. That way we can lock all our valuables in the room safe and cruise the enire place with just a bathing suit and the wrist band. Very nice!

I can't be sure, but this just might be a family place...look at all the mini-vans and SUVs in the parking lot! Also notice; rainy and cold outside, 84 degrees and awesome inside!

I'll put up some pics of the waterpark and other activities in my next post. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

skdesertfun said...

Sounds like fun and I don't even have any kids yet!