Monday, March 23, 2009

More on Washington (No, not MORON Washington)

A strange feeling overtakes me when I arrive in Washington again. As I drive around and see place-names on signs I have the overwhelming sense that I'm home. More than any other place I've lived - Washington seems like home. I don't know why. It doesn't even have to be a place I've been or that I know well, but all of Washington just feels like home. Peggy has similar feelings, although I don't know if they're as strong as mine. Maybe we're supposed to go back there some day. We'll just have to see where life takes us...


Tricky Trix said...

I'd hate to see you leave, but I promise I'd try to come visit!

skdesertfun said...

I know what you mean, Kari and I feel that way about the Portland area. The first time we went there and I stepped off the plane it just felt like home.


The Tiffany's said...

Ahh... sounds like moving may be in your future...
Washington was our other alternative when we were deciding where to move to.
We feel like we're home here and we often forget that we're not in AZ anymore!