Thursday, February 16, 2012

25th Anniversary Trip, Day 6

I gotta say, booking our tours through has been the best.  Not only do we save, but the service is great.  We fully expected to be with others on a bus today, but it was just the two of us with own guide again!  Nothing like doing things on your own schedule and getting personal service all the way!

Today was Bonnaire, which is dutch.  Dutch is the official language, but English and Spanish seemed to be most common.  The US dollar was adopted as the official currency less than 2 years ago.

We had a nice cultural tour around the island, but it is not tropical at all.  It's very rocky and desert-like.  Most people come here to scuba and after seeing all the great dive spots we were feeling a little disappointed we didn't just book a dive.

The island has many beautiful birds as well as wild donkeys and iguanas, or "Bonnaire chicken" as our guide called them.  There is also a major salt flat near the south end where salt is harvested commercially.

It was a good tour and we learned a lot, but next time we'll be here to dive.

Wild donkey looking for a handout

Gorgeous beach

Most beaches are covered with huge pieces of broken coral

Peggy checking out the beach of Goto Lake. Normally it's filled with flamingos, but they've moved elsewhere because of rainstorms

Traditional style house in Rincon

Another traditional house in Rincon

Unique fences are built here

A view of our ship and the port city of Krendaldjik

Finally found some flamingos, but had to shoot them through binoculars


Tricky Trix said...

So Fun! Be safe and be well.
Love you both!

The Tiffany's said...

I really like that fence! You'd think we would be smart enough to use some of those in AZ.